Booking Terms & Conditions

Booking Terms & Conditions 

This document (including any other documents referred to within it) provides details of the terms and conditions on which we will supply our services and tours. 

 Information of our services and tours are detailed on our website, and

It is important that you read these Booking Terms & Conditions carefully before making use of or booking any of our services.

You should understand that by making a booking with us you agree to both the Booking Terms & Conditions, the Website Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement and you agree to be bound by these documents.

We would suggest that you print a copy of these terms and conditions for your future reference.  Morocco Memories is a travel company based in the UK and providing tours, activities etc. in Morocco. and are the official websites for this company. 

A. Your contract

Your contract is with Morocco Memories, and is herein after referred to as “the Company”, “We” or “Us”.  “You”, the client, are subject to the terms and conditions herein.

B. Acceptance by the Company

The company reserves the right to refuse any bookings from any prospective clients that in the company’s opinion they may deem to be unsuitable. The company does not need to provide any prospective clients the reason for its refusal.

C. Booking procedure and deposit

To enable a booking to be secured, the company requires a completed booking form or an email from you confirming the services to be provided. In addition, a deposit of 20% of the total cost of the booking is also required. Bookings can also be made by telephone, via the internet or by email on the understanding that you, as the client, confirm in writing that you have read, understood and agree to both conditions (Booking Terms & Conditions  and Website Terms & Conditions). 

We have set up an account with PayPal to protect your transactions with us. Alternatively, monies can be paid directly into the  Company's bank account. On receipt of your payment by PayPal or directly to the bank account, you will normally receive confirmation invoice with 72 hours. From this point, you should understand that a Contract exists between you and us and that the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferrable.  The final balance is due no later than 60 days before the start of the tour or holiday.

D. Final payment of monies due

The final balance is due 60 days before the start of the tour or holiday. If payment is not made according to these aforementioned conditions, then the services or tours will be treated as cancelled and you will therefore be subject to the cancellations conditions as determined in Sections G and H.

E. Flight arrangements to be made by you

Currently, we do not arrange flights to Morocco. Therefore, your flight arrangements will be made independently by you. If your flight is cancelled or delayed we cannot accept any liability for this part of your trip. We only accept liability for the elements of the trip or holiday that we have contracted with you to supply to you. If you have arranged airport transfers with us from Marrakech as part of your trip or contracted us to provide airport transfers then you will have to supply full flight details to us e.g. flight number, arrival date and time, departure date and time.

F. Passport, documentation and personal property

It is your responsibility to check that your passport is up to date and to ensure that you carry the correct documentation (passport, visa etc.) at all times. It is also your sole responsibility to look after your personal property during the services and tours provided by us. We accept no responsibility or any contingent liability for them from theft or loss from any accommodation arranged by either you or us or from theft from transport provided as part of your tour or holiday.


G. Our tours

Our tours are as listed in our website and those agreed as part of your itinerary that is booked and paid for in the UK or arranged with us during your stay in Morocco. If you deal with other local organisers or guides for any tours not included in your itinerary with us, please note that we will have no liability for these tours. Your contract for these tours will be with the persons or company you have contracted to provide these services and not with us.

H. Cancellations, amendments or alternation made by you

If you wish to make any changes to your booking, we will try to accommodate and adjust the booking accordingly with the relevant provider. However, we cannot guarantee that any changes you request will be fulfilled. If it is possible to make changes we will charge you for any additional costs that are incurred along with any other costs in respect of the original booking as well as any costs in respect of cancellation charges that may be due for the tours/activities cancelled. Furthermore, any changes to be made within 48 hours of the agreed service or tour may be treated as a cancellation as we ourselves may be subject to cancellation charges with pre-arranged tourist services.

If you wish to cancel your entire trip or part of your trip, we must receive written confirmation from you. This must be done by email as this provides confirmation and proof of the cancellation. We will acknowledge receipt of your email. Our confirmation emails should be retained by you as proof of cancellation. Cancellations by you are subject to the following charges.

Group Tours and Activities

Cancellation notification must be received by us in writing at least 72 hours before 8:00 am on the morning of your tour to receive a full refund.

Cancellations received with less than 72 hours notification in writing will not be eligible for a refund.

Private tours, Trekking, Training Camp and Running Events

The Deposit of 20% as mentioned in Section C is non-refundable and non-transferrable.

Cancellation terms are as follows:

60 days to 30 days: FULL REFUND, less 20% deposit paid

29 days to 15 days: REFUND of 50% of the monies paid by you

14 days or less: NO REFUND IS DUE

I.  Cancellations, amendments or alterations made by the Company

We reserve the right to cancel any of the tours if the published minimum size of the group as stipulated in the website is not reached, particularly where this a private tour. In this event, we will try to arrange to put you on another group tour. If you have paid the full price of the services or tour, we will try to arrange a partial refund for you. However, it should be noted that this will not be a full refund as we ourselves may be subject to cancellation charges with the pre-arranged tourist services in respect of the original booking. If you have paid the deposit for the services or tours to be provided, then as per Section C above this deposit will be non-refundable and non-transferrable. We accept no liability for any compensation beyond any agreed refund.

We reserve the right to make any changes to the published tour itinerary or agreed services or tours itinerary either prior to your departure or during your trip (for example due to technical or maintenance problems).  It is important to note that travelling in either a group tour or private tour can mean that occasional changes (for example due to the result of adverse weather conditions) may be necessary. A priority for us is you and your group’s safety.

J.  Force majeure

It may be necessary for us to be forced to cancel your services or tours for reason(s) beyond our control as a result of “force majeure”. We cannot accept any liability or pay any compensation where it is not possible to meet our agreed contractual obligations or you suffer any loss or damage as a result.  As per these terms and conditions force majeure means circumstances or events that we or our providers could not anticipate or potentially avoid, such as:

Threat of war, actual war, insurrection, civil action, terrorist actions, decisions by governments or governing authority, riots, strikes, bad weather, natural disaster, natural or nuclear activity, technical or maintenance problems with transport contracted, changes to schedules or operation decisions of air carriers selected by you, industrial action, epidemics or pandemics, adverse weather conditions, fire or any similar circumstances that are beyond our control. 

K. Prices

The information and prices shown on our website, and/or any quotations provided to you may have changed by the time you come to book your holiday.  We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the website and/or quotations issued to you. Unfortunately, errors sometimes occur. Therefore, please ensure that you check all the details including the price provided of your trip at the time of your booking with us.

L. Surcharges

We will not vary the price of the services or tours agreed with you less than 15 days before your departure date. If, however, the price could vary due to a result of government action, increase fuel costs for transport, exchange rate fluctuation, we agree to absorb up to a maximum of 2.5% of your confirmed and invoiced holiday cost. If there is a surcharge of greater than 12% due to price variation you have the right to cancel your holiday and receive a full refund.

M.    Insurance cover

It is a condition of the booking and compulsory that you are adequately insured against personal accident, injury and any medical expenses incurred. You should ensure that your insurance covers you for any activity you wish to undertake whilst in Morocco. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you are adequately covered for any activities, services or tours that you have arranged with us (e.g. hiring of quad bikes, camel riding, paragliding).  We do not offer or arrange any insurance cover as part of our services or tours. We do not require a copy of your insurance policy and do make not any judgement or comments as to the suitability of any insurance cover selected by you (and, if applicable, your group). We do require confirmation in writing at the time of booking that you have arranged adequate insurance cover for your trip.

N. Your responsibilities

Once your booking has been made and accepted by us, you understand and accept the following:

  • The risks and hazards of services or tours that you have arranged. Particularly, the risks and hazards associated with remote trekking, quad bikes or any other types of activities etc. arranged with us;
  • The possibility of delays and amendments that need to be made due to factors beyond our control and even if this may cause you inconvenience, discomfort or concern;
  • Whilst on the tour, either as a group tour or private tour, you accept the instructions and authority of the guide/leader of the tour. This is particularly important on the trekking tours. If your behaviour is detrimental to the safety or welfare or the group as a whole it may be necessary to ask you to leave the group tour. If it is a private tour, then the tour may be cancelled. It is important for these types of tours that you endeavour to be flexible in tours of this nature;
  • The daily agenda or objective of the tour, as published on the website, or as agreed with you, is taken as an aim and is not a contractual obligation;
  • You agree that it is a fundamental condition of the services or tours that you accept the need to be reasonably flexible, and you acknowledge that delays, alterations or cancellation may be required and understand that their subsequent effects may possibly lead to your inconvenience, discomfort or disappointment;
  • Your service or tour does not commence until the appointed time and designated meeting point as agreed with you. If you fail to arrive at the appointed time and designated meeting point for whatever reason, we will not be responsible you thereafter.

O. Complaints

If you have any complaints about any aspect of your trip, please inform us immediately. You will be provided with telephone numbers (both in the UK and the Morocco). Most problems can usually be dealt with on the spot. It is important to note that if you failed to report a problem or issue that could have been resolved at the time, we cannot accept any liability in respect of that complaint or issue. 

You can contact us in the UK or Morocco on our 24-hour emergency numbers. 

If, however, an acceptable solution cannot be found, then you will have the opportunity to write to us within 30 days of your return. You must provide us with full details of your complaint or issue. Please note that if you do not follow the above complaints procedure then your right to claim possible compensation may be affected or potentially lost as a result. New paragraph

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